Sunday, August 17, 2008

Better late than never....

So I don't recommend camping when you are pregnant, especially if you have a killer cold! I can now add this to my list of "things not to do next time". It actually wasn't too bad except for the not being able to breath part and yet in spite of problems we had getting there (see below) we actually had a good time. We went with both our families which always provides entertainment in its self. Here are some of the highlights...
  • We got the van packed up and noticed the tire was flat, so we stopped in at Les Schwab for a couple of new tires. Thanks Derek!
  • After the tires we stopped in to Costco for an air mattress, I wanted the best of the best, the Bently of air mattresses....the AREOBED! Turns out it's just as uncomfortable as all the other ones and I ended up sleeping in the car anyways!
  • Stopped at about 6 other places for things we forgot...I won't bore you with all the details, but it seriously took forever.
  • Finally got to the campground and Eric picked a tent site that was up on a hill! Setting up camp was definitely a work out!
  • Made dinner and went to bed early, but unfortunately couldn't breath lying down and had to pee every 30 mins.
  • Got up and attempted to sleep by the campfire, but was afraid of being eaten by bears at every sound, went and crawled in my parents car for about 1 hour of shut eye.
  • Got up early and snuggled in blankets with my mom for some girl talk while everyone else slept and laughed at how loud Eric was snoring! (and he claims he didn't sleep well! whatever!)
  • Ron made a killer breakfast and we stuffed ourselves silly
  • Packed up camp and went swimming at the hot springs
  • Had an impromptu picnic lunch by the side of the road and headed home for some real sleep and a shower!
When I was little and my Grandpa took us camping we would always get Spaghetti-o's heated up in the can over the fire, they were my favorite so that's what I made Nate for dinner, of course he loved 'em! Nate is a true camper, he loves it with every fiber of his being! I guess it's a good thing I like it too, except when I am pregnant and have a cold! :)
Our camp...

Nate was so fascinated by the bats!

Good Morning Sunshine!

A hike down the hill!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A new nephew

For those of you that know my sister Tracy, she had her baby this afternoon. She surprised us with a boy this time! ( I could have sworn she was having another girl! I am so bad at guessing that!) They named him Ryan Alan. He was 8 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great. Everyone is totally exhausted but happy he is finally here.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Backyard Waterpark

I love that Nate can have as much fun with a $10 blow up pool and a slide as we would have had at an expensive, crowded water park! I know it won't be this easy to please him as he gets older, but in the mean time, he had a blast!

Gotta love a face full of water!