Sunday, June 8, 2008're it!

A. ATTACHED OR SINGLE? Happily Attached

B. BEST FRIEND? Eric, my BFF! :)

C. CAKE OR PIE? So hard to choose, I am going to have to go with cake since I was given a delicious lemon cake for my birthday today!

D. DAY OF CHOICE? Saturday since we usually spend the entire day together and I always get help cleaning the house!

E. ESSENTIAL ITEMS? The computer, i know, I can't believe I just said that either.

F. FAVORITE COLORS? Black, white, lime green

G. GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? I LOVE sour gummy worms, not sure if they make them anymore though....

H. HOMETOWN? Well Sonora will always be my home, hometown, but I live in Carson City and am very happy here.

I. INDULGENCE? Chocolate, any kind, any where, any how.

K. KIDS? Yup, see "U"

L. LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT? My family, the Gospel, humor and fun.

M. MARRIAGE DATE? January 6, 2001

N. NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? 2 sisters, 1 brother

O. ORANGES OR APPLES? Oh the little cutie oranges from Costco are heaven!!

P. PHOBIAS OR FEARS? Fears. I worry about bad things happening to the people I love.

Q. QUOTE? "How about corn cob on a tree?" -Nathan Thornton (I'll explain for anyone who really wants to know!)

R. REASON TO SMILE? Too many to mention! Let's just say I smile a lot! :)

S. SUPERMAN OR WONDER WOMAN? Superman because it reminds me of Eric

.T. TAG 5 PEOPLE: Hum...well you are assuming I know at least five about Carole!

U. UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: Well, most people who read this already know, but I am having a baby! Yay!!!

VEGETABLES? Roasted zucchini, summer squash , red onions and mushrooms roasted in olive oil with some sea salt and pepper

W. WORST HABIT? I have to pick just one?! Celebrity gossip, there I said it. I am addicted.

X. X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? Ultrasound since it lets me see our little "lima bean"

Y. YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? I would have to say Honey Nut Cheerios at the moment, even when nothing sounds good, I can always eat cheerios!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were pregnant!